Our commitment to independent analysis and work, free from investor and political influence, is dedicated to accelerating cleantech innovation in critical industries, such as cement, aviation, and long duration energy storage, based solely on science. Support our work to close the remaining innovation gaps to reach net-zero emissions by 2050.
Future Cleantech Architects is endorsed by:
Please note: All donations through our partner organizations’ portals are 100% passed on to us (no fees are charged).
Donate Directly
There are a number of ways to donate to us directly. Please note that we can only provide tax-deductable donation receipts when donating directly to German donors. If you have donated directly from Germany and would like to receive a tax-deductable donation receipt, please remember to reach out to us at
We would be pleased to receive a contribution to our donation account with the subject ‘Donation’:
Account holder: Future Cleantech Architects gGmbH
IBAN: DE15 3405 0000 0000 1384 61
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Remscheid
Wir freuen uns über einen Beitrag auf unser Spendenkonto unter dem Betreff ‘Spende’:
Kontoinhaber: Future Cleantech Architects gGmbH
IBAN: DE15 3405 0000 0000 1384 61
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Remscheid

Donate from the US
If you do not need a tax-deductable 501(c)(3) donation receipt, you can donate using any of the avenues available on this page. If you would like to receive a tax deductable 501(c)(3) donation receipt, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at
Donate from Germany, the Czech Republic, or Switzerland
Donations through Effektiv Spenden are tax-deductible in Germany, the Czech Republic, and Switzerland.
You can also make tax-deductable donations from Germany via bcause and
Donate from the Netherlands
If you would like to support our work from the Netherlands, we would recommend to do so through our partners Doneer Effectief.
Donate Internationally
If you would like donate to us from anywhere else in the world and would like to receive a tax-deductable donation receipt, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at

Donation disclaimer
Future Cleantech Architects appreciates the support of all our donors in driving cleantech innovation harder. Contributions do not provide the ability to influence our internal mission, decisions, or activities, as we are techno-agnostic and impartial.
Bestätigung über die Freistellung von Körperschaft- und Gewerbesteuer
Future Cleantech Architects gGmbH, Martin-Luther-Str. 29, 42853 Remscheid, ist nach dem letzten uns zugegangenen Bescheid vom 23.08.2023 des Finanzamtes Remscheid, Steuernummer 126/5774/3787 gemäß § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 KStG von der Körperschaftsteuer und nach § 3 Nr. 6 GewStG von der Gewerbesteuer befreit. Spenden an Future Cleantech Architects gGmbH sind gemäß § 10 b EStG steuerlich absetzbar. Wir bestätigen, dass die Zuwendung nur zur Förderung des Umweltschutzes einschließlich des Klimaschutzes gemäß § 52 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 8 AO verwendet wird.
Vielen Dank für Ihre Spende!
Future Cleantech Architects
Future Cleantech Architects is endorsed by:
Please note: All donations through our partner organizations’ portals are 100% passed on to us (no fees are charged).
Our impact has been noticed by
"We were impressed by the level of FCA’s in-house expertise, depth of engagement with technical research, and sophisticated understanding of the innovation landscape. In addition, despite being a relatively new organization, FCA has already developed an effective track record of shaping EU policy and contributing to international climate discourse through engagement with UN organizations. We think FCA fills a critical gap in the climate policy ecosystem by connecting lessons and learnings from its ‘boots on the ground’ technical work to high-level policymaking."
Read the recommendation

Giving Green
''We are now ready to invest in its ambitious growth, supporting its organizational development as well as key programs in hard-to-decarbonize sectors requiring more innovation, namely zero-carbon fuels, industry, long-duration storage, and carbon removal technologies. We believe that if FCA is successful this could significantly improve the German and European climate policy response.''
Read the article

Founder's Pledge
„The science-based approach of Future Cleantech Architects (FCA) has significantly influenced the strategic investment decision on our new bus fleet. Our fleet consists of about 90 buses and we were considering two options: hydrogen buses (with a fuel cell) or all-electric buses with battery systems. The advice of FCA and their expert team has led us to decide against hydrogen (which will be more urgently needed in other applications) and go for a more efficient and economic all-electric bus fleet instead.”

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hoffmann
''Its aim is to promote innovation in Europe’s hard-to-decarbonize sectors by running key programs in, for example, zero-carbon fuels, industry, and carbon removal technologies. (...) You might be wondering if this kind of innovation really meets the “neglectedness” criterion — don’t we already have a lot innovation? In the US, yes. But in Europe, this kind of organization is much rarer.''
Read the article

''What is special about FCA's approach is that the organization not only takes on the advocacy for these technologies at the political level, but is also itself part of research consortia for the development of these technologies.''
See their page (in German)

Effektiv Spenden

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