The winners of the UNIDO Global Call for Innovative Solutions in Cleantech and Sustainable Land Management were awarded in a hybrid award ceremony in Remscheid’s Teo Otto Theater on the 26th of October. The ceremony was attended by more than 160 cleantech innovators, investors, and stakeholders alongside delegates from various United Nations organizations and NGOs.
We are so proud to have completed the award ceremony together with our co-hosts from UNIDO, UN Climate Change and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification. The event was moderated by Vanessa Völkel and our founder Peter Schniering. Experts such as Camilla Nordheim-Larsen and Andrea Camponogara joined onstage while Abimbola Olufore and Alois Posekufa Mhlanga joined via video call.
Winners were announced in a live ceremony in four categories after almost 300 applications were received from 71 countries. The proud winners on-stage included Dean Bittner and Myrna Bittner (Runwithit synthetics, Canada), Rainer Hoenig (betteries AMPS GmbH, Germany), Gerhard Dust, Andreas Kunsmann and Chibo Onyeji (Polycare, Germany) and Oliver Schweininger (European Representative of Zhejiang Chint New Energy Development, China).
Details on the winners are provided by our colleagues from UNIDO ITPO Germany, and key takeaways from the event will also be presented at COP 26 in Glasgow.
The award ceremony was flanked by two panel discussions, one on breakthrough innovation and one on decarbonizing heavy industry, that allowed attending guests of the ceremony to discuss the most pressing climate challenges and their solutions in smaller groups before the main event.
The first panel on breakthrough innovation took place in the central library and we were pleased to have Andy Fuchs(Toyota Mobility Foundation), Patrick Kather (E.ON Inhouse Consulting GmbH), and our expert panel member Nadine Michalske (Klima.Metrix GmbH) on stage, moderated by Dr. Till Stenzel (Funkelfeuer and SET Ventures).
The second panel on decarbonizing heavy industry was moderated by Martin Hoyer (Roland Berger) and we had brilliant input by Magnolia Tovar (Clean Air Task Force), Carina Krastel (EIT InnoEnergy) and Roman Diederichs(DIROSTAHL Karl Diederichs GmbH & Co KG).
Thank you so much to our co-hosts, their outstanding teams and everyone’s help in orchestrating this event.