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CemSol - Development of a Calcium Looping System Coupled with Cement Production


The CemSol research project aims to show that a solar-heated calcination unit is technically feasible on an industrial scale and can be operated economically. By using solar thermal energy instead of fossil fuels, large amounts of CO2 emissions can be avoided.

The core of the project focuses on investigating how a solar thermal system can supply the high-temperature heat for the calcination of calcium carbonate, an energy-intensive sub-step in cement production. This begins with material investigations in order to assess the carbonization potential of cement raw meal. Based on the study results, the researchers are designing a suitable reactor concept for the carbonator and a scale-up concept for the solar calciner. Their operation is then demonstrated and their efficiency determined. Important criteria are high-temperature stability, thermal shock resistance, efficient operation, and product quality. Once this is ready, the focus goes towards researching to what extent the technology can be used for other industries with high CO2 emissions. A techno-economic study will provide indications for the industrial scale use of such a technology in reference processes such as amine scrubbing and oxyfuel processes.



Supported by the Federal Ministry for Economy and Energy (BMWK) and in partnership with DLR Institute of Future Fuels, thyssenkrupp Polysius GmbH, and DIRKRA Group GmbH, the consortium focuses on making lower-emission cement production via solar-heated calcination possible.


FCA is in charge of the investigation of the scalability and coupling capability of the process and will also identify fields in which the technology can be implemented. Finally, FCA will lead the techno-economic study that will provide indications of the further scale-up potential of such a technology compared to reference processes.


The project began in October 2021 and is set to finish by September 2024.

Learn more about decarbonizing Cement