Our team had provided a comprehensive briefing to the journalist’s questions and Peter Schniering was featured in DER SPIEGEL newsmagazine in an article titled in the print version “Stoff der Geplatzten Träume” (Substance of Burst Dreams), which focuses on the Hydrogen Economy in Germany.
The German government wants to make Germany the leading international market for hydrogen and is investing billions for this purpose. However, the project is bumpy: production is not getting off the ground.
Our Founder, Peter Schniering, explained that the production costs of green hydrogen are “currently significantly higher than many optimistic forecasts had predicted” and pointed out the lack of a convincing business model for its production and use.
Furthermore, green hydrogen deployment should be limited, as it is energy-intensive to generate, will be a scarce resource for years to come, and is not a silver bullet for every industry.
Read the article (in German) here!