To make flying more sustainable, the EU has started implementing several policy measures to combat the sector’s emissions. Most prominent is ReFuelEU Aviation which focuses on SAF supply and uptake through progressively increasing targets. It mandates that by 2050, SAFs should make up at minimum 70% of the fuel supplied and uplifted at EU airports. However, with SAF production remaining low in the EU to this day, additional measures need to be employed to help achieve this regulation’s targets and the long-term aspirational goals of the sector.
The Book and Claim system, when implemented effectively and in conjunction with other policy measures, has the potential to accelerate SAF development and deployment, contributing significantly to the aviation industry’s sustainability goals while addressing logistical and economic challenges. It offers a pathway towards a more sustainable aviation future by leveraging flexibility and accessibility. However, proper certification, international collaboration, independent auditing, monitoring, and reporting are necessary to ensure transparency and accountability in SAF procurement and use through this system.
This brief outlines Future Cleantech Architects’ six policy
recommendations to ensure the effective implementation of a Book and Claim scheme within the EU to help meet RefuelEU Aviation’s targets and the EU’s overall environmental goals by 2050.