Yesterday, our EU Policy Manager, Marlène Siméon, was invited to a policymakers and experts roundtable at the European Parliament, organized by Climate Strategy & Partners and the office of MEP Niels Flemming Hansen (European People’s Party, DK), to discuss the new report on how to deliver Climate Investments and European Competitiveness in the MFF which we reviewed.
In the presence of MEP Benedetta Scuderi (The Greens/EFA in the European Parliament, IT), MEP Bruno Tobback (Socialists and Democrats Group in the European Parliament, BE), MEP Luděk Niedermayer (EPP, CZ), MEP Niels Fugslang (S&D, DK), MEP Radan Kanev (EPP, BG), key insights discussed were:
✔️ Prioritizing grants for public goods, R&I, and low-income households
✔️ Leveraging EU Financial Instruments to scale mature, revenue-generating technologies
✔️ Supporting cleantech startups through their journey from lab to scale
“To achieve meaningful industrial decarbonization, the EU must adopt a holistic funding approach that covers the entire innovation lifecycle — from research to deployment — while leveraging public and private funding, de-risking investments, and prioritizing sectors with the highest potential for impact (industrial heat, construction and cement, aviation and shipping, energy systems). By aligning strategic priorities, accelerating funding timelines, and ensuring access to affordable clean energy, Europe can lead the global transition to a competitive, low-carbon economy.” – said Marlène Siméon.
A big thank you to the organizers for inviting us to this roundtable!