Last week, our Cleantech Analyst, Peter Ruschhaupt, was invited to speak in a panel on storage technology requirements for industrial applications alongside Roger Wietusch (LUMENION), Markus Kachel (Becker Büttner Held), and Martin Graebner (TU Bergakademie Freiberg). Peter first presented an international perspective on climate innovation needs, highlighting the innovation gaps in seasonal storage and providing an overview of the general possibilities for energy storage. These topics were further explored during the panel discussion.
Our key takeaways from the presentations and discussion include:
✅ Seasonal energy storage, which can cover days to weeks of consecutive renewable production shortfalls, remains the largest innovation gap in storage.
✅ Technology selection and government support should always prioritize “future-proof” technology—i.e., technology that can ultimately achieve negative green premiums and be scalable beyond wealthier countries.
✅ High-temperature heat storage is already a highly mature technology and an excellent candidate for industrial decarbonization, with many commercial options currently available.
A big thank you to the Cluster Dekarbonisierung der Industrie (CDI) for organizing such a valuable event and inviting us to join the conversation!
To learn more about decarbonizing high-temperature heat in industry, see our recently released technical report.

Picture copyright: CDI, Marcus Zumbansen