Technical briefing for policymakers in Brussels focused on Aviation
We were delighted to host the second edition of our 45-minute briefing for EU policymakers and advisers, co-led by our CEO, Peter Schniering, our Cleantech Analyst, Ingrid El Helou, and our EU Policy Manager, Marlène Siméon.
We were pleased to welcome Antonio Marco Pantaleo (European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)), Gregor Erbach (European Parliamentary Research Service), Jane Amilhat (EU Science, Research and Innovation), Maria Leis (Breakthrough Energy ), Uwe Lützen (CINEA – European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency) Johanna Schiele (EU Environment and Climate), Javier García Fernández (EU Environment and Climate), Jakop Dalunde, Thomas Rudner, Sofia Lettenbichler (EIT InnoEnergy), Greg Arrowsmith (EUREC – The Association of European Renewable Energy Research Centres), Michael Kreuz (German Aerospace Center (DLR)), Jady Cavalcante, and Dirsha Bohra (Clean Aviation).
A big thank you to all the attendees for their active participation. We look forward to hosting our next Coffee & Cleantech on Cement. It is scheduled for April!