Welcome to FCA, Sven Meier and Christian Sander!
We are proud to welcome Christian Sander (right), Lead Blockchain & DLT at EnBW and Sven Meier (left), Director of Digital Transformation, EnBW to our new Future Cleantech Architects expert panel. Both will support us in advising high-impact innovators on how to prepare for the next growth stages with a particular focus on digitization and blockchain/distributed ledger technologies.
Sven holds an MBA in strategy, technology and innovation from the University of Oxford and has held positions for Boston Consulting Group, T-systems and Lufthansa Consulting before joining EnBW. Christian is an industrial engineer from University of Karlsruhe’s prestigious Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). He has held various positions within EnBW including process management, IT strategy and information management before taking over the blockchain/DLT segment.